TotalEnergies is a company that is transforming to provide sustainable solutions for people and the environment. The company identified the need to centralize procurement to support its digitlisation and sustainability ambitions. The company identified 30 use cases and focused on eight that addressed the key stakeholder pain points best. TotalEnergies chose Archlet, as the solution provider for ‘Bid Analytics’ in the area of smart sourcing & tender negotiation. Archlet is a Sourcing Analytics Platform, with the goal to empower sourcing managers to make better decisions faster to increase efficiency, savings and professionalism during bid analysis and supplier negotiation. Archlet can be used as a bid analytics add-on to your existing e-Sourcing system (e.g. SAP Ariba) or as a stand-alone Sourcing Software supporting the end-to-end source-to-award process.
With over 20 years of experience in finance, marketing and procurement under her belt, Isabelle Guer has seen and actively contributed to the ongoing transformation at TotalEnergies. In her words, TotalEnergies is transforming to provide tangible, sustainable solutions to address the dual challenge of more energy with less emissions.
Respect for each other and the environment has inspired the company to develop their sustainability strategy based on 4 pillars:
With these pillars in mind, the company needed to transform and decided to centralize TotalEnergies’ procurement to support its sustainability ambitions.
In 2017, TotalEnergies embarked on a transformation journey to enhance its management of supplier relationships and provide better assistance to its entities. Fast forward to 2020, and the company had set its sights on a more ambitious goal: supporting its transformation towards a more sustainable future. This involved the digitalization of its supply chain, a process that began with a flurry of brainstorming sessions and idea-generation from various levels of the company, including managers, users, and customers. Like most businesses, TotalEnergies were only at the beginning of their procurement transformation journey and stuck between Maturity Level 1 and Level 2:
To advance its maturity level, TotalEnergies identified 30 use cases, each with its own potential benefits. However, the company knew it needed to prioritize, so it focused on the eight use cases that would provide the most immediate value and engagement for users. In the use case ‘Bid Analysis during RFQs’ the pain points identified by the company's stakeholders included:
Using these pain points as a foundation, Total Energies set out to find a solution that would make life of the buyers easier in complex and large RFQs with the goal to empower the team to make better decisions faster. It also wanted a tool with advanced and interactive analytics capabilities, to help the company gain the insights it needed to become more sustainable during RFQ decisions. With these requirements in mind, Total Energies set its sights on a bright digital future, where it could better manage supplier relationships, make data-driven decisions, and become a leader in sustainability.
TotalEnergies had trouble moving from level two to level three due to the lack of a suitable bid analytics solution, which made it difficult to make supplier comparisons and run scenarios quickly without the assistance of an IT person.
They even considered creating an in-house solution but instead decided to look for companies that could provide a solution to their specific pain points. Archlet was selected as the solution provider after they demonstrated their capabilities using data from a previous call for tender.
TotalEnergies chose and uses Archlet for the following reasons:
To achieve results quickly, TotalEnergies decided to focus on specific categories that were characterized by several complexity drivers, such as many items and suppliers, additional decision criteria, multiple currencies, and capacity constraints:
One year in, the results speak for themselves. With Archlet, TotalEnergies Global Procurement (TGP) was able to
The category managers and buyers in the team echo Isabelle’s sentiment (see quotes below) and some even provided suppliers with Archlet-generated feedback and sneak peeks into Archlet dashboards to co-develop certain functionalities.
TotalEnergies continues to use Archlet for more categories and has leveraged Archlet’s best practices to create quick and easy to use bid sheet templates. Technology-backed sourcing allows the procurement team at TotalEnergies to focus on the most strategic aspects of their jobs such as stakeholder, management, and supplier relationships and to achieve their transformation goals. Both TotalEnergies and Archlet are really looking forward to expanding their relationship and to having even more success stories and learnings to share in a year from now.
Would you also like to see selected bid sheet templates to improve your sourcing efficiency and standardize processes? Have a look at our public Bid sheet library found in our guide for best-in-class bid sheet guide. Interested in finding out how Archlet can support you and help you make the leap from Level 1 or 2? Book a demo and talk to our team.